Frequently Asked Questions

  • Practical and empowering mental health training. Each module offers three different versions for three unique audiences: students (13+), parents/guardians, and educators/school staff. Parents/guardians modules are also available in Spanish.

  • There was a growing mental health crisis among students, even before the COVID-19 pandemic. The U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services released a survey in 2021 stating that nearly 1 in 5 students had seriously considered attempting suicide in the last 12 months. Increasing mental health literacy is more important than ever. Wellness Education Lab provides mental health training for students, parents/guardians, and educators/school staff that is relevant and inclusive, offering strategies that participants can use immediately.

  • There is no cost, it is FREE! Thank you to the California Department of Education for their partnership to offer this evidence-based resource for individuals everywhere.

  • Students (13+), parents/guardians, and educators/school staff.

  • Participants typically complete the training in 45-60 minutes. If you need to stop at any point, your progress will be saved.

  • Logging in with Google allows you to use your Google account and password to take the WEL training instead of entering your email and creating a separate password.

    Google uses OAuth, which is a secure authentication protocol used by Google for "Log in with Google." It allows third-party websites or apps to access your basic Google account data, such as your name, email address, and profile picture, without giving them access to your password.

    When you login with Google you will need to fill out some profile fields. After entering your information, you will need to click "Update Profile" and then click "Trainings" in the top left navigation bar to get started.

  • When you login with Google you will need to fill out some profile fields. After entering your information, you will need to click "Update Profile" and then click "Trainings" in the top left navigation bar to get started.

  • If you receive this message you have already created an account. If you do not remember your password, click the “Forgot Password?” link to have a password reset email sent to the email address associated with your account.

  • If you do not receive the authentication email within 15 minutes after account registration, please ensure that the email address you entered was correct and check your Spam Folder. You can also try logging in with Google if you have a Google/Gmail account. If you are still having trouble, please email

  • Click HERE to accept terms and conditions and verify your age. You will be taken to a login page where you can select “Create a new account” or login with Google. Enter your email address and create a password to get started. You will receive a verification email. Once your email is verified, you will see available courses that you can take.

  • Rethinking Anxiety and Mental Health Foundations for Parents/Guardians are available in English and Spanish. Click HERE to get signed up.

  • If you forget your password you can click the “Forgot password?” link on the login page. An email will be sent to prompt a password reset.

  • Districts and School Sites can utilize WEL as part of a mental health curriculum for health classes, psychology classes, or with other subjects as needed. Check out the WEL Quick Start Guide for Educators/School Staff to learn more. School Counselors and other school mental health professionals can offer WEL to students and families who may benefit from extra mental health literacy support.

  • If you would like your child who is under the age of 13 (but 11 or older) to access these courses, create an account as their parent/guardian and allow them to review the courses with you while using your login credentials. 

For further questions email or CONTACT US.